Friday, July 9, 2010

"We love each uh-thuh, right Judah?" ~ Mira

Nadia laughed yesterday.

I feel like I could end this post right there. She laughed once in her sleep last week and I thought she laughed a few days ago, but now I know that I know that she laughed--the sweetest little belly laugh from precious Nadia Ruth. I'm smitten.

Right before Nadia laughed, Miriam, who was glistening with sweat, caught a glimpse of her reflection in the sideview mirror of the van and said, "Mommy! My face is all sparkly! Look!"

Just before the girls stole my heart, we were all eating lunch together when I asked Miriam if she would like to be in a fashion show. Judah said he thought she would be too shy to be in a show like that, but I assured them both that I would hold Miriam's hand so she could walk across the stage with confidence. Judah said, "Miriam! I'll bet you're going to be the most beautiful girl there!" And he means it.

My children deeply love each other.

I try not to sow any seeds of jealousy. I'm careful to say things like, "I need to put your baby sister down for a nap, but I'll be right back" instead of "I'm busy with the baby." I really want them have a sense of ownership--she's THEIR baby as much as she is mine.

Miriam loves to get diapers for me and throw away the dirty ones. Judah loves to hold his sister just about any time I ask. Miriam and Judah both love to make Nadia smile--and now laugh.

Don't get me wrong--my kids fight. They even fight over imaginary things! But they love each other a LOT. Miriam cheers Judah on as he climbs everything in sight. Judah encourages Miriam to try new things and tells her what a great job she's doing. Recently, when I told the kids I thought Nadia was getting ready for some teeth (since she's soaking all her clothes with baby drool), Judah said, "NADIA! Congratulations!"
I love it.

Sometimes they completely wear me out, but I have to admit that I have really great kids who love each other deeply, and for that, I am grateful.


the Mrs. said...

Lori, even I am grateful for the love your children hold for one another. How precious it is to emphasize to them, at a young age, that their siblings are THEIR OWN blessings! I always remind mine of what life would be like without the other...and then comes silence.

I LOVE how your family has grown. And I love, even more, how you decided to take the time to fill us in. Keep the posts coming in between changing diapers and fulfilling your awesome mommy duties!

kylah's mommy said...

Lori, your kids are precious!! :o)