Friday, January 22, 2010

Home-education Seminar coming to Franklin, TN

A friend of mine who homeschooled her two boys through high school sent me the following info for my first Carole Joy Seid seminar, which motivated me even more to home-educate my children using a literature-based approach, which basically means we continue doing much of what enjoy most--reading great books!
Nina said that she wished she had known about seminars like Carole's when her boys were very young. (If you didn't already know, teaching junior high language arts at New Song Christian Academy is what sold me on homeschooling--those kids were and continue to be some of the most amazing people I've ever met. They even opened my heart to having children of my own!)

I'm currently reading the Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola and LOVE IT (a huge "Thank You" goes to homeschool mama extraordinaire Valda Christensen for giving it to me!). At the last seminar I attended, I discovered that Carole's homeschool philosophy is based largely on the teachings of Charlotte Mason.

The first book I read about home education was recommended by Carole Joy Seid, and I have found it invaluable--definitely worth reading again and again: For the Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. Carole Joy Seid's book list alone is worth the price of admission, but her tried-and-true homeschool philosophy is so liberating that I had to pass it on!


From: Elizabeth Pedersen

Sent: Wed, January 20, 2010 4:46:07 PM

Subject: Carole Seid seminar coming Feb 27th

Dear faithful families,

Did you go to Carole's seminar last fall in Franklin? Were you very encouraged then, but you left your joy and vision behind somewhere?

Well, Carole Joy Seid's "Basic" seminar is coming Feb. 27th to Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN to give you just what you need!!! A mid-winter lift!!!

Invite your friends who need to hear Carole's unique educational philosophy. This is "A Literature Based Approach to Education." There is something for anyone even if you are not homeschooling. "Books, books and more great books"

With Carole Seid's valuable handouts only available for seminar attendees, you can homeschool with only a Bible, library card and a math program. (Good news to anyone !!)

Learn how to make your children lovers of books while you win their hearts for Christ.

Register from the attached flyer [e-mail or call Lori for flyer that was attached to e-mail] or go to $45 to preregister by Feb. 12th or $55 at the door.

God bless you richly!! Elizabeth

1 comment:

sandy said...

How funny!! I was searching to learn more about Carole Joy Seid and your blog popped up. So, I read the entry and see that you know Valda Christensen!!! A dear friend of mine!!! Small world...I live in Thailand now, but worked on a church plant with them in Jackson, TN. Made several trips to Grace in Franklin with them...anyway, just thought it was pretty cool. Happy Homeschooling!!!

Blessings and Fire,
Sandy Lovorn