Saturday, November 10, 2012

My de-stress surprise.

My dear friend Ruthie posed a question on her blog that I kept thinking about even after I commented. She asked, "What do you do with the stress in your life? What are some of the things that you’ve found, that help you de-stress? "

Not so long ago, about a month or so, I felt like I needed to get the heck out of the house. I just needed a break--a moment of quiet. Peace. I felt over-stimulated and edgy. I just wanted OUT.

Now, let me preface this by saying it's rare--extremely rare--for my 8.5 year old son Judah to ask for music. In Daddy's car (Mommy's car no longer has a radio), he prefers talk radio to music stations. At home, he'd rather listen to an audio book than anything else. But on this particular day--on the day I needed OUT--he asked for a song. 

"Mom, I NEED to hear that song, 'Uncontainable.' Could you play it for me?" I've never played this song. Ever. I don't have a CD for it. I don't even really know all the words. But I know that we sing it sometimes at our church fellowship and maybe that's where he's heard it. (I found out later that he listens to it in the car with Daddy sometimes. That made me smile. I thought they mostly listened to NPR . . . which makes for some interesting conversations with my globally-minded son.)

I found the song on my fancy phone and handed it to Judah, who played it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. He belted out the words at the top of his lungs. He got on his knees and lifted his hands in worship to his Great God. 

Watching him give himself fully to The King of Kings in worship in my dining room/living room/kitchen, I melted. I started crying. I joined him. I was transported OUT: out of this realm and into another. All the stress left my body and I was at peace. 

Judah said to me, "Mom, I feel like I'm in another world when I'm singing this song." 

I offered, "That's because your spirit is connecting with God, who is also spirit. You're communing with God in a different realm."

He replied with tears in his eyes, "This is true happiness."

You are amazing, God.