Thursday, September 13, 2007

Digressions on Food

My 76-year-old Poppop had a procedure done on his heart yesterday (Grandmom says they don't call them "operations" anymore. It's "procedure" now. I wonder if "The Game of Operation" I played as a kid is marketed as "The Game of Procedure" now.)

As I was walking with my mom to the food court in St. Thomas hospital (which, by the way, offers no "Mc-fill-in-the-blanks, thank God--why any hospital would allow one of those fast food joints to set up shop is beyond me--except that it helps ensure repeat business--for the hospital, that is. I am the great digresser tonight.) So my mom says to me:

"Poppop said that the older he gets the more he wishes he had taken better care of himself."

Man, I needed to hear that. Yes, I think an awful lot about what I eat (and don't eat), the chemicals I'm exposed to, the sedentary life I live, the lack of fresh air I breathe, the limited amount of water I drink (and the excessive amount of tea I consume). . .I'm on a much better track now than I was a year ago, two years ago, ten years ago. . .but if I don't continually read about health and nutrition and exercise and all the other issues that are on my mind right now, I quickly lose perspective and could fairly easily slip back into the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Here's an unsettling quote from an MSN article I read tonight by Allison J. Cleary:

"The average American consumer eats three burgers and four orders of fries each week. A typical American child now gets one-fourth of his or her vegetables in the form of French fries or potato chips. Half our nation's family food budgets are spent in restaurants, with fast-food operations and chains getting the lion's share of the spending."

What's really funny to me is that my husband is sitting next to me on the couch eating a burger and fries from Fat Mo's. I ate a salad and veggie entre at Marche Artisan Foods in East Nashville this evening. . .all by myself. It was glorious. I need to add Marche to my list of favorites. Oh, that place is delightful.

I just read this post aloud to my husband who says that he would rather have gone to Marche with me than eat a burger and fries on the couch. He also doubts that our percentage of spending on food at fast food restaurants would round up to be 1 percent. That, alone, is a HUGE change from three years ago.

James just said, "My stomach is upset. You can put that in your blog, too."

With that, I'm going to get ready for bed.


Anonymous said...

Really? That many burgers and fries? We never eat fast food unless we're on a road trip, so that just really doesn't seem feasible.

I'm still trying to grasp my mind around that....

Anonymous said...

I want to open a salad restaurant. As a veggie I have had almost every salad in every restaurant around... Most are really poor quality and just, blah. Wouldn't it be great to go to a place that had tons of great salads? Oh yea, and a drive through!