Friday, September 21, 2007

Judah Conversation--on beauty

Judah: Mommy, did you know that The Princess Bride is beautifuller than you are?
Me: No, I didn't know that.
Judah: She is.
Me: Is it because she wears a beautiful dress?
Judah: Her dress is beautiful, her skin is beautiful, her tiara is beautiful. She's beautifuller than you are. Do you think she's beautifuller than you are?
Me: No, I don't think so.
Judah: Yes, she is. Come here, I will show you.

And the free paper I got today said something about 3rd graders just beginning to notice who is pretty or handsome. 3rd grade? Try 3-years. Oh, boy.

1 comment:

jenchillla said...

Hold on there...

You are totally way beautifuller than the princess bride.