Monday, September 8, 2008

My Love Life

My 20-month-old daughter has started calling me "Mommy" instead of "Mama."

And my 4-year-old son said to me tonight, "You should put me in plays, Mama, because I'm quite a good actor."

When people tell me that kids grow up too fast, and I think I'm soaking in every moment, I have moments like these and have to wonder where the time went.

Miriam doesn't like to leave the house anymore without her "peesh" (purse) and her "bebe" (baby). Judah is nearly always weilding a weapon. They so typically fall into their prospective gender roles. Judah's first word was "ball." Miriam's was "shoes."
Tonight I told Miriam that we would find a new shirt for her. She says, "My flower shirt." It took me a minute to decipher her request and then a minute to recover from the shock. I'm used to hearing one word at a time--occasionally two. But three? And so decriptive! Did Judah care at 20 months what kind of shirt he wore? Um, no. Does he care now? Not so much. Just give him some dress-up stuff and we're good to go.

One of the things I love about both of my kids is that they sing while strapped in their carseats in the van, and I wish I could record it and play it over and over and over when they're teenagers. Their little voices are so precious--especially when they're singing. Miriam likes to sing Judah's name. Judah likes to sing the same phrases incessantly. Both of them have captured my heart. I'm smitten.

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