Monday, September 29, 2008

Pics from the Bahamas, part 1

Guess who just returned from a relaxing weekend in the Bahamas? You guessed it. ME!

I had such a wonderful time that I had to share it with you in pictures:
Click HERE to see my Facebook album or HERE for my Picasa album.
These are just some of the highlights from our trip!

On our way to the Full Sail Getaway Banquet . . . with second honeymoon smiles! We left the kids with good friends and enjoyed a second honeymoon since our nine year anniversary is coming up on October 7. What a way to celebrate!
Lori Todd, Connie Shaw, and Cathy Heiser . . . founders of the Nashville Team Hot Wives Club!
The Fabulous Nashville Team on the Grand Bahamas Island enjoying an all-inclusive resort and team training. The PERFECT way to vacation--with tax write-offs! Woo Hoo!
Lori Todd with Tod Bell and Mike Churchill, the co-founders of Cruise to Cash Vacations.

This trip was my second Full Sail Getaway with my business, Cruise to Cash Vacations, which is more of an exclusive travel membership with business perks. We had 92 in our group on the Grand Bahama Island at the Viva Wyndham, an all-inclusive resort (I could get used "all-inclusive" pretty quickly).

We met people from all over the world, played all day in the ocean with the little fishes who nipped at us every now and then. The water was crystal clear. We could see all the way down to our feet!

We danced all night with our new friends, we watched a scaled-down version of Cirque de Soleil as trapeze artists performed stunts and acrobatics right before our eyes, and we got to write off our trip as a tax-deduction! Woo Hoo! Traveling on business is the only way to vacation!

Want to join us on the next Full Sail Getaway? Go HERE now and sign up at a discounted rate! Cruise to Cash Vacations is the BEST private travel club on the planet!

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