Friday, September 5, 2008

The Newness Abounds

My fabulously creative friend Lillian (you know, my photographer friend) is also a phenomenal website and graphic designer. She created a gorgeous business card for me and suggested that I revamp my website. So I did. People, this is proof that I take your comments and suggestions very seriously. Hours later, I have a whole new site.

Check it out!

I'd love any feedback that you have to offer. Positive or negative. I can handle it.

Now, I have a HUGE favor to ask. I'm trying to increase traffic to my sites, and one of the best ways to do that is to have other sites link to me. So . . . would you consider adding one or more of these sites to your blog or website if you have one? That would help me tremendously! (blog) (website) (blog)

I'm also looking for folks to host "Cruise Parties." I'll be giving away all sorts of wonderful gifts related to travel, so let me know if you'd like to hop on board. (I can just hear Judah in my head say, "Aaaarrrrrrggggghh, matey, let's sail the high seas! Who wants to walk the plank?")

I promised myself that I would be in bed tonight by 11, so I'd better hop to it. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. God bless ya.

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