Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Todd Christmas Video part 3


I begin to ask questions about the birth of Jesus and Judah catches me trying to trick him and his sister into telling the Christmas story. Merry Christmas from the tricky Todd family!

Dialogue translation:

ME: Where was Jesus born?
MIRA: In Bethlehem
ME: What was his mommy's name?
MIRA: Mary
ME: Do you know his daddy's name?
MIRA: Joseph
ME: Were there angels there?
MIRA: Uh, Yes
ME: Do you know what they said?
MIRA: What?
ME: I'm asking you.
MIRA: I don't know.
ME: You don't know?
ME: Who else came to see baby Jesus?
ME: Do you know who Jesus is?
MIRA; What?
ME: Who is Jesus?
MIRA: I don't know.
JUDAH: The son of God.
ME: The son of God?
MIRA: Yeah.
ME: Were there wise men who came to see Jesus?
MIRA: No. Yes, yes, yes.
ME: How did they get there?
MIRA: I don't know.
JUDAH: By camels.
ME: Did they follow any kind of sign?
JUDAH: A star.
JUDAH: Hey, you're, she's, hey Miriam! She's tricking us into telling the story of baby Jesus!
(Mommy laughs)
ME: You're really smart Judah, you know that?
JUDAH: Were you really trying to do that?
(Mommy laughs some more)

1 comment:

The Zielinski Family said...

Judah and Miriam are on to you, Tricky Mama! And they are so precious! Thanks for the smiles. Merry Christmas!!

Amber, Rob, Benton and Cameron