Monday, November 26, 2007

December. It's next week.

Mondays in December are FREE at the Frist Center (with the donation of a non-perishable food item). Judah refers to it as "The Art Center." About a year ago, I took him there for the first time, and we spent 5 hours creating art. Yes, my 2-year-old (at the time) spent 5 hours in one room making stuff. I was ready to go way before he was. I'm sure we'll go a few times next month. Maybe next week?

Mira's first birthday is in three weeks. We're going to celebrate by going to the Opryland Hotel on Saturday, December 15, at 2:00 p.m., and strolling around looking at lights, drinking hot spiced cider, and enjoying our family and friends who are able to join us. Want to come? Her birthday is Sunday, Dec. 16. Judah will tell you it's the 13th, but that was her due date.

These children have more toys and clothes than I know what to do with. We give stuff away and receive stuff almost daily. A good friend of mine once said, "Never be afraid to give. There is always enough." She was right. If you're a giver and you really really really want to give something to my children for their birthdays or Christmas, think BOOKS. They're timeless. We love them. We especially love old books. We read them ALL the time.

Judah will now sit through chapter books. This morning he handed me a long book and said, "Mommy, just read me one chapter." By the second book, I was falling asleep. I kept waking up to, "MOMMY! You're not reading!" I might need to start drinking caffeinated drinks in the morning just to keep up with Judah's reading habit.

He and Miriam keep me busy. They're a delightful pair.


jenchillla said...

I am surprised you don't just down a pot of coffee first thing in the morning to keep up with the little J-man. I bet he can totally read by himself now, he just lets you participate with him. :)

the Mrs. said...

SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL...I agree, books rock! Aiden had a pile of books on the couch last night. I asked him if he was reading; he said "I'm trying, that's why I'm looking at them." It was so sweet; he wants to read so badly. I'm working on phonics with him. I MUST empower him... :) Oh, and coffee...I LIVE on coffee! lol.