Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Love

Judah has been singing his own Christmas songs today. He sings variations of: "Whose birthday do we celebrate on Christmas? Jesus' birthday. Happy Birthday, Jesus!" And then he proceeds to sing the entire Gospel of Christ. I love it.

I told him the story of Jesus before we took a nap together today, and he said, "Will you tell me the crucify part?" He's currently fascinated with the proverbial bad guys. When James told him the story of Jesus' birth this morning, he said, "You forgot about the bad king." He knows the details better than we do.

I just wanted to put a little Christmas love out there and share a couple pictures (Judah is, of course, dressed as a pirate. Thank you, Auntie Lisa!). Pictures from this morning can be found by clicking HERE.
Good night, blog-reading friends. Have a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

jenchillla said...

Arr, matey. Looks like ye got a scurvy pirate on yer hands... and a muffin thief to boot! What a fun Christmas adventure. Cute cute cute. :)