Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He cracks me up.

Judah informed me today that he renamed the dolls that live in our dollhouse (thank you, Shyla!). They are no longer Vernilla and Berfabio. They are now Cinderella and Tulip. Of course.

Earlier this afternoon, I was on the phone with Wendy. Judah was being loud and obnoxious. Naturally, I moved away from him. As I was heading down the stairs, he started flipping out. I told him he could join me downstairs as soon as he put his clothes on. He flipped out some more. I told Wendy he was heading for a nap soon. A few minutes after I got off the phone, I noticed it was unusually quiet upstairs. I never know what I'm going to find when it gets quiet. This time, I find:

He still hadn't put his clothes on. Fortunately, you can't tell from this picture. What a kid.

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