Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Judah Conversations

Judah has been singing a song that my mom taught him that has hand motions. He ends it with, "And they all walk away, singing "Hallelujah! Hallelujah to the King . . . of France." I'm not sure where the "France" part came in. He manages to throw names of countries into several of his songs: "The wheels on the bus go round and round, all the way home to Africa."
Tonight Judah asked me, "Mommy, does God love people even when they're killing other people?"
I said, "Yes, He does. Does Mommy love you even when you make bad choices?"
He responded, "Yes."
I said, "And God loves people even when they make bad choices. It makes him sad when they kill other people, but he still loves them."
Judah said, "That's a REALLY LOVE!"
Last night when I was putting laundry away, Judah wanted to help. He put two of his shirts on hangars. While he was doing it, he said, "I love putting things on hangars."
I said, "You do?"
He said, "Yeah! I do! I love it!"
When I was putting his clothes in the kids' closet, he asked me if I could move his shirts to the bottom and Miriam's clothes to the top so he could reach his stuff. I thought he wanted to be able to get his shirts by himself like he does his pants, socks, and underwear, but he actually wanted to put his clothes in the closet by himself. He's such an amazing helper.
Whenever Judah needs to poop, we get an announcement. After he poops, he shouts, "Mommy! Come and wipe me!" I have to let him see the poop before I put the toilet paper in the toilet. Tonight James helped him while I finished eating, and hearing his excitement just cracked me up. That's when I thought, "I am definitely the mother of a four-year-old boy. He gets more excited about the size and shape of his poop than about seeing me walk through the door when we've been away from each other."


the Mrs. said...

I can TOTALLY relate...sounds like many of the discussions I have with my little four-year-old. Their minds are so much bigger than their bodies! Thanks for sharing.

jenchillla said...

I have to admit, I get excited about poop too. When you eat lots of fruit and vegetables poop can be quite an event! ;)