Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Quick Laugh

I just had to share an text message conversation that I had tonight with my friend Becki:

BEC: I Luv you like robins Luv worms. Like dogs Luv a belly scratch. Like I Luv shopping. Haha. Like hippies Luv flowers. Like ants Luv picnics. How was your day?

ME: This is one my favorite things you do. I love you!

BEC: I love it when you sing on my voice mail. The happiness lasts a long time. Like caramel in my blood. But, caramel without partially hydrogenated oils.

Oh, my gosh. I laughed so hard.

It's still making me laugh.

Last night, James was reading my blog posts in front of me. He started laughing, and I figured he had gotten to the Judah conversations. Nope. He was reading my two most passionate sentences about pasteurized juice. So he read them aloud to me with grandeur and flair (the most he could muster) and we both had a good laugh. He asked if that's how it sounded in my head. I said, "No, the 'passionate about healthy food' voice sounds more like Vange." If you don't know who Vange is, imagine an extremely tall, long-haired New Zealand mama with nine children. She's about as passionate as they come.

I love that my husband and my friends can laugh at me and with me about my rants and tirades. Truth be told, I have to swing pretty hard in the thought department so I'm not as likely to swing too hard in the action department. Translation: if I perceive junk food as detrimental to my health, then I'll be less likely to consume it on a regular basis. If I perceive junk food to be neutral, then I'd be more likely to eat it all the time. I'm having to swing my pendulum in the opposite direction from where it's been all my life. That way, an occasional swing back to eating junk will be temporary. Junk food will become treats. Desserts will be eaten on special occasions (or the result of intense cravings) instead of what's expected at the end of a meal.

My friend Wendy told me recently that she was surprised (and a little relieved) to find out that we don't eat healthy food 100% of the time. Actually, I'm much more of a healthy eater than my husband is, and both my husband and my son love desserts (I'm tempted here to write a "like ______ loves ______" in the spirit of Auntie Bec). I can take 'em or leave 'em. Unless we're talking about chewy, homemade cookies. Then, it's all about how many I can eat before I feel sick. Just ask my mom. :0)

(My mom brought us a ziploc container of homemade chewy oatmeal with white raisin cookies, and I had to reserve one for MH since Judah and I ate every single cookie instead of eating lunch. She made them with coconut oil instead of shortening. Woo Hoo! Go, Mom!)

1 comment:

the Mrs. said...

cookies...with coconut oil and boys' favorites!