Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Even Sweeter--My Mira

Even sweeter than seeing that my neighbors have begun to recycle was hearing my sweet Mira say "Bye!" to the little puppy dog at the end of the street. She says, "Bo BO!" when she sees a dog, so I was expecting that, but what I wasn't expecting was to actually hear her say "Bye" when she waved goodbye to the doggie.

This morning she was sitting on the couch and jabbering with great enthusiasm while pointing to the empty wall above the couch behind me. I couldn't figure out what she talking about, so I asked, "Do you see angels?" And she said, "Angel." I could eat her up!

She's been saying "Uh Oh" when something falls and "Aw Gah" (All gone) while doing the sign for "All done." It's the sweetest! She also holds up her index finger when you ask her how old she is. She LOVES doggies and kitties and stuffed animals. When we went to a little shop in Brentwood with Auntie Bec last Saturday, she acted so surprised to see such a huge collection all in one place. She just couldn't get enough! When we were done, we put them all back in their homes and said, "Bye Bye!"

I love how she picks things up just by watching and then does them when I'm least expecting it. Every day she makes me laugh.

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