Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jumping in the Deep End

I did it. I jumped in the deep end. Again.

A good friend of mine started an Internet-based network marketing company a few years ago, and I just joined last week. Since joining, I have been glued to the computer when the kids are sleeping. There's so much to learn. I feel as though I'm not only learning a new language and a new culture, but I'm also learning more about myself in the midst of a very steep learning curve. I'm beginning to connect a lot of dots (Bachelor's Degree in Communications + former career counselor + sales experience + teacher at heart = recipe for successful network marketing).

Much of network marketing is simply staying on top of the latest research and enthusiastically sharing with your team what you've learned. Your success depends not only on your own efforts, but also on the efforts of the team you have working with you. I LOVE helping people succeed. I LOVE sharing what I've learned. I LOVE communicating via blog, e-mail, phone, and in person. I'm already loving my new adventure!

I'm thinking about going public with my blogging and having a blog that chronicles the business journey, a blog about parenting, one about food, one about cool artsy stuff . . . does anyone out there have any opinions about doing separate public blogs? I'm thinking it's time to invite a broader audience into my little world. What do you think?

One of the advantages of creating public blogs (without all the personal information about the kids) is that I'll also be able to market my new business to people who care about parenting, food, art, and marketing. It's going to be more time-consuming, but I could end up making a significant amount of money, enabling us to get completely out of debt. I'm also tracking on wealth-building. Since several of our friends have teenagers graduating from high school this year, I'm beginning to think about what life will be like when the kids are driving and heading off to college or other expensive post-secondary adventures. I don't want to be completely dependent on Dell for a regular paycheck. As a result, I'm looking into creating multiple revenue streams. My new Internet business is just the beginning!

I created a simple website tonight (just to get started--I'm planning to continue to professionalize it), and I'd LOVE some feedback if you have any to offer.


1 comment:

jenchillla said...

Hey girl, I'm all about the "multiple streams of income."

Go go go!!!