Wednesday, July 25, 2007

School Uniforms

Yesterday I discovered that my neighbor is looking forward to the new uniform policy. Since her government-assistance budget doesn't allow for $100 jeans and designer tops, the uniforms will help to put her daughter on more of a level playing field among the other students--at least at first glance. My neighbor, who lives with her 70-year-old mother, is a single mom with two grown children, two grandchildren, and a 6-year-old. She also has 10 or 11 adult siblings. Her sister and her son have taken her daughter shopping for the new attire. I love it. I'd really like to see more families "adopt" children and take them shopping. That's what we did with our Tiffany. The experience of eating out together, laughing together, shopping together...and seeing her expression when I tell her how adorable she priceless.

If that doesn't work, then partnering with a school or a non-profit to provide clothes or money to buy clothes, I think, is the next best thing. I need to do a little research to find out which organizations are already in place with this need on their agendas. We have countless volunteer organizations in Nashville. Surely there are several who are distributing school uniforms! A website that we enjoy (and that provides a nice list of non-profits and other partners) is Check it out!

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