Friday, March 28, 2008

Filtering out spam

I recently discovered that once I set a filter in my Yahoo account to put all incoming e-mails that begin with ".info" directly into the trash, then I never have to see the vast majority of spam e-mail that gets sent my way. (Most of the spammers' e-mail addresses end in .info). That way, I never have to see it, wade through it, or lose e-mails that shouldn't have been labeled spam. Most days, I'll have 25 messages in my trash and two in my spam box. One of the two is usually not spam. I used to lose all of them by having Yahoo simply delete anything that looked like spam. Then, I started wading through all the muck to get to a few necessary ones. Now, I don't lose my necessary e-mails and don't have to wade through muck. Thought I'd pass on the filter tip so you could share in the joy . . .

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