Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Links to Share

A couple of quick food links:

Marion Nestle, the author of Food Politics, wrote recently on her "What to Eat" food blog that Monsanto is settling with the Canadian farmer they sued in 2002. She likens it to the McLibel trial, an interesting case of McDonald's going after two young activists in London for distributing anti-McD's pamphlets. To fully understand both, you'd need to watch The Future of Food and read Food Politics, but if you'd heard me talk about Monsanto and the poor Canadian farmer (referred to as the classic case of David and Goliath), then you know I'm celebrating GOOD news!

My friend Jill Boehme (well, we've never actually seen each other in person except once, but she's friendly) wrote a little rant about pasteurized food that cracked me up. At the grocery store last week, she discovered pasteurized EGGS! You can read her post "Leave The Eggs Alone!" by clicking on the title (in case you didn't know that already).

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Why yes, I guess I'm relatively friendly -- when I'm not ranting about something. :D

Would you believe me if I told you I was thinking about you when I wrote that piece? (Yes, I know you believe me!)

You are on my "to be emailed" list.

And my "to dine out with" list.

Thanks for the link! :)