Thursday, March 27, 2008

More about Miriam

When I posted pictures last night, I realized that I don't have any recent ones on this computer. I have a new computer that I can't get to work right, so with the advent of teaching in the fall, James has been figuring out ways to help me. Woo Hoo!

Mira woke up around 7:30 this morning (after a little moaning around 6:00 or so), saying "Eh! Eh! Eh! and bouncing up and down in her crib. When I go in there, she always has both arms over the side of the crib, ready for me to pick her up. I get the sweetest smile, and then she points to downstairs. If we don't get to the couch right away, she pats my chest to let me know what's next (we're still nursing).

This morning we came downstairs and stepped outside to see what the weather was like when I smelled the awful stench that was beginning to seep from her diaper. Time to go back up! We grabbed a little piece of bread and butter and got her cleaned up. I went ahead and changed her clothes since there was a little spot on her onesie from the seepage.

I actually think she likes getting dressed. She makes the cutest motions after she gets clothes on (she does cutie things when the clothes come off, too, like rubbing her belly and smiling--she loves to show off her belly button--in fact, one of her favorite books is The Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton). She raises her shoulder, tucks her arm in, and turns her hand out. She also tilts her head and looks up as if to say, "See what a cutie pie I am?"

Oh, I completely forgot to mention that Miriam swordfights with Judah! They each take their swords, go into the hallway, and Judah says, "Have you ever seen a baby with a sword?" He gently taps his sword against hers while she flicks her wrist around. She's quite a sport.

She plays with Judah's cars more than he does. She'll move them around and occasionally make noise to go with it. I don't think he has ever done that. His cars get lined up to go on trips. They also have conversations.

Sometimes when Judah is on the floor, Miriam will come and lie on him. He thinks it's so sweet. He says, "Does Miriam love me so much?"

They play so well together that I just can't imagine one without the other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have great kids. And I'm not just saying that because I'm Auntie Bec. :-)