Monday, May 5, 2008

Tonight's Little Ditty

We must have thoroughly worn out the kids yesterday because Miriam didn't wake up this morning until almost 9:00 (two hours later than usual) and Judah slept in until 10! Then, Miriam napped for nearly four hours this afternoon. Amazing. Even more amazing was that she slept through someone tearing up our bathroom floor and working hard to put it back together, this time with tile. It wasn't exactly conducive to a peaceful afternoon nap, but she managed pretty well.

On a completely different subject, my husband was reading some stuff on my computer recently, and he left open the tab from No Impact Man. Since we're often asked, "What on earth do you DO without a television?" I thought I'd share how Colin Beavan, a.k.a. No Impact Man, answered the question. These three, in particular, reminded me of our family:
We walk around, going nowhere in particular, and Isabella shows me how she can run, moving a lot, in her toddler body, like the tin man before Dorothy gave him oil.
We dance and we dance and we dance.
We take turns giving Mommy kiss attacks.

At our house, Judah is the kissing bandit and Miriam is the one who sometimes walks like the pre-oiled tin man. We love to push the coffee table against the wall and dance around the living room. I think I enjoy it even more than the kids.

For more of what the Beavans do, click here:

Here's another link to a little story he shared (that I love!) about what they do without television:

And here's my little disclaimer: I definitely don't agree with everything on this man's blog, but reading it every now and then has helped me to be more aware of the impact I make (or don't make) on my little corner of the Earth.

Today Judah and I spent hours--literally--hours digging in the dirt. He looked for worms while I transplanted my herbs to a sunnier location and found places for some new flowers from my friend Wendy, who is my hero.

Wendy tried some of my new smoothie combinations this morning while she--in her little pregnant body--worked tirelessly on trying to fix my lawn mower. After she left, I added parsley to my morning smoothie. It was much more mild than I expected. YAY! I've discovered a new green that I can actually grow in my little herb garden and toss into my breakfast drinks!

Judah and I had home made apple cider this afternoon before supper. Oh, my. Delicious. I used three different kinds of apples, some pineapple, a little ginger, a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg, and some ice. After I tasted it, I decided to warm it up a little. I put it on the stove and added just a touch of honey. So yummy!

1 comment:

the Mrs. said...

It is funny, the reaction you get even when you say, "we just don't watch television". Yes, we do own a t.v., but no, we don't really watch it...EVER.

They don't believe us. We get strange looks. I'd rather be in the minority group that DOES NOT watch t.v.

Is there anything really worth watching anyway? (Except "Signing Time", of course.)