Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So Excited!

Yesterday was recycling day. Every third Tuesday, our recycling bin gets picked up. Yes, PICKED UP! I used to search out recycling centers and let the sorted recycling accumulate in our house. Now we have a huge recycling bin outside that holds all UNSORTED paper, plastic, boxes, and aluminum. Actually, we have two recycling bins, both of which are completely full by the next pick-up day. Our trash is never more than 1/3 full. I think we're balancing out the trash for our next-door neighbors who have two bins of trash that are always teeming full. They don't recycle. Yet.

I walked outside yesterday morning to put the trash bin next to the recycling bins and noticed more than one more recycling bin on our street. I walked to the end with the kids and counted. There used to be two (ours and the neighbor's). Now there are 8! By the end of the afternoon, another one appeared, so on our street yesterday we had 9 recycling bins and 11 trash bins. I was so excited!

I told a friend who came by that I feel as though three main things have contributed to the change. First, I have been praying for our neighborhood since we moved three years ago. Second, we lead by example. Third, the general public is suddenly bombarded by "green" messages. And now our street--our little street--is recycling! I'm so excited!

Want to know more about curbside recycling and what you can recycle? Go here:


Anonymous said...

too bad we are not considered "metro," we cannot have curby! so sad.

julianalovespy said...

We recycle too, but we have to sort it and take it to the recycling center because our condo property doesn't participate in the city program.

But it did give me the chance to come up with a pretty great way to store & organize my recycling containers -- red fabric containers on shelves handily labeled as cardboard, plastic, mixed paper, and glass/cans.

It's funny, but when we were first moving in and had NO way to recycle because we were crazily disorganized and could barely find a trash can, I had to throw all that stuff away. I had such a HUGE feeling of guilt and would say aloud, "I'm sorry, environment!" each time I tossed something!

Yay for your street and yay for your example!

jenchillla said...

Wooooowwww... yet another reason to move to the city: curbside recycling! I'd have to sort it anyway, force of habit :)