Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Call Me Crazy--this is REALLY stream of conciousness.

I haven't had ANY comments posted on my last few blog entries and I've received NO feedback on my new little website. What's the deal?

I promise not to try to sell anyone on my new business. I can't imagine that many of my friends would be interested in doing a bunch of Internet research for hours and hours and days and days before making any money doing direct sales and network marketing. Really. I'm just looking for some feedback.

I'm constantly making changes to the site. Constantly. I can't ever seem to be satisfied with it. I try to imagine the opinions of someone who doesn't know me or even someone who knows me--someone who isn't me--happening upon it. I wonder what people think. What would make it better? What isn't clear? What works? What doesn't?

In the meantime, we have Tiffany staying with us all week. I'm trying to get all the laundry done. I have a bunch of dishes to handwash. I tried raw goat's milk for the first time yesterday. I need to mow the lawn before I leave for Florida again on Friday. I feel like I've been slacking this week on my green smoothies. Then, I realize it's only Tuesday. I had one on Sunday (leftover from the day before) and another on Monday. I only missed today. We had produce from our CSA share for supper tonight. It was so colorful and flavorful. The kids and I ate an entire quart of fresh strawberries before supper. They taste amazing. My Miriam is making me laugh all the time now with her funny faces and her charades. Judah is really enjoying having Tiffany here, but I noticed that yesterday he needed some serious mommy time. We finished reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Only two more books to go in the Narnia series. That amazes me. There are so many things just rattling around in my head. And now I need to put Judah's clothes on hangars and get another load of clothes in the dryer.

Judah has been saying, "A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do." Yesterday he said it and followed it up with, "And sometimes a boy's gotta find some worms." (I replanted my three tomato plants and Judah stole all the worms he could find. He claims them as pets and tries to get me to pet them because they're "really nice.")

Today, when I was checking out my little plants, Judah said, "Oh, bother," just like Pooh in The Pooh Story Book. Children are such reflections of what we expose them to that sometimes I feel super sensitive about cultural influences. He watched a "harmless" DVD produced by some friends of ours who are Believers. In the video, a little girl taunts some kids with a whiny voice and lots of comparing. Since then, Judah has been doing a lot of that with Tiffany ("I have three strawberries and you only have one . . ."). It's so annoying. I'm addressing it, but I haven't seen any fruit yet. I also can't figure out how to help the kids remember to SHUT THE DOOR!!! Any suggestions?


the Mrs. said...

I have two REASONS, not excuses, for not commenting:

1) IT'S BEEN SO CRAZY AROUND HERE! We have piano lessons on Monday afternoon, swim lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoons, we big people play soccer on Wednesday nights, all while trying to get the kids outside as many times as possible to enjoy the sunshine... I haven't been on as much to communicate... You can tell, I haven't even posted anything on my blog for an ENTIRE WEEK! (So unlike me.)

2) I must admit, I am a little perplexed as to what exactly your business involves. Not to say I'm skeptical, but I suppose I feel a little ill-informed or ignorant, therefore, I don't feel qualified to make much of a comment. (Does that sound silly?)

I'm excited for you; you are venturing into territory that I would not have the diligence (or time) to pursue. Trust me, MY lack of comment on your recent venture is well-justified. :) :) I still LOVE YOU!

Shyla said...

My comment could be Christy's exactly! We've been super busy around here, Anna's had pneumonia, then grammer camp, and just life :o)

I too, am just kind of confused as to what exactly what the new business is. What exactly do you do? How does it generate income?

Hope you guys are doing well!

julianalovespy said...

I have been wanting to comment, but I have been reading blogs in my e-mail RSS feed to avoid going onto the 'actual internet'. I have been taking a break from Safari (the mac version of Int. Explorer) and not surfing this month. It has been divine.

BUT I wanted to comment on a couple of things: Rob has some excellent ideas about how to increase internet traffic to your site. His wedding guitarist business is all booked through his website, so he has done lots of research on that and would love to share it, I'm sure.

Also, I know that links can help you a LOT, and I'd love to let you know a couple of ways to do that. But it is too complicated to type out & I'd rather just talk to you. So let's chat. Or better yet, get together!

I've loved your blog entries & am always glad to see another one in my RSS reader (or whatever it is called...) Keep up the good work!