Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed!

After last night's training call, tonight's mentoring call, and receiving a few encouraging e-mails from long-time friends (thank you Amy and Adina!!!), I'm OVER the feeling of being overwhelmed and now filled with joy and excitement!

It's easy to become completely overwhelmed by all the new information since there is SO much to learn, but I'm entirely surrounded by people who care, people who actually want to see me succeed, and people who have the tools that are necessary for my success, who are more than willing to freely share!

I absolutely love the CTC team. It feels a little ironic to me that I'm saying that because one of the main reasons I haven't joined other "membership" companies in the past is that I didn't want to be part of a club. I didn't want to have to put on some shiny exterior and pretend that I was happy and rich and successful. If I truly am happy and rich and successful, I'll let you know. I'm not going to pretend. I don't do fake.

However, when I went to the Full Sail Getaway and met nearly 100 Cruise to Cash members, I was completely blown away by how real everyone was. Not a single person I met was trying to impress anyone. No one was putting on airs. There were no speeches about dressing to impress or wearing full makeup and power suits and heels. There were no unrealistic expectations or sales quotas or even pressure to sell. The atmosphere was supportive, genuine, laid back, and felt like home. I called James to tell him that everyone was like me--like us--like Tod and Emily Bell and David and Becky Durham (dear friends who were both present--Tod is actually the co-founder).

Something else that has really impressed me is that CTC has daily "Meet the Crew" calls that provide an opportunity for people to hear about the business and ask questions. Two CTC members team up daily for each of the 11 (soon to be 15) calls and volunteer their time to help other members build their businesses. I love it. It's a team effort that benefits everyone. I haven't met a single person who is money-hungry or self-absorbed or merely interested in their own success. Every single person I've met has been quick to share what makes her successful, what has worked for her and what hasn't, and how well she's doing in her business.

I spent nearly two hours tonight talking to one of the top CTC mentors. She is closely connected with the other co-founder. Once we were finished talking, I had five pages of notes and a head full of ideas to implement! She won't make any money from any of my sales, but she was willing to sit and talk to me for nearly two hours about how to build my business internationally. She also walked me through the training for the "Meet the Crew" calls so I can become a presenter and host, putting me on the executive team. It's all about volunteering your time to benefit everyone else's business.

My marketing professor in college said once that if people in a particular business would stop competing with people in the same line of business and work together instead, sales for that type of business would increase. CTC has that principle figured out, and I can say that I'm really proud to be affiliated with a company that works together to make sure every member gets the help they need.

And now it's time for "Her Royal Excitedness" to get excited about getting some sleep! :0)


the Mrs. said...

Glad to hear you've caught your breath and are filled with peace again. I'm excited that your business is taking off! Keep us posted.

Shyla said...

I didn't know you knew the Durhams! They are old friends of ours. I used to babysit their boys as we lived literally four houses down the street from them when I was growing up :o) They are very sweet.

I am so glad you are getting excited and settling into the business thing. I hope it goes very well for you. My parents did the Amway thing, so anything involving sales totally freaks me out. (but I love the Bells and the Durhams, and you guys of course, and it sounds like a great thing for you!