Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Incredible, Edible Front Lawn

My awesome friend Jen (creative, artsy, jewelry-constructor extraordinaire) sent me this link from Time magazine:

The Incredible, Edible Front Lawn

Said it reminded her of me. Too funny because my tomato plants are in my front yard, and I was just talking to an old friend about it just mintues before she sent the link. Maybe next year, I'll grow a little neighborhood-accessible garden. What an awesome way to get to know your neighbors!

1 comment:

Shyla said...

I just discovered last week that I have this HUGE pumpkin vine growing out of my front flower bed! Turns out, when I was planting some flowers, Caleb tucked in his little pumpkin seed :)

Nevermind that my tomatoes did miserably and I'm hoping my new berry bushes survive the rocky hillside we planted them on, at least we have surprise pumpkins!