Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Obscene Generosity

Somehow, I get inundated with requests for donations. Most of the time, I want to give extravagantly. I want to be obscenely generous. However, living a relatively simple life on one income for the past five years hasn’t exactly lent itself to extravagant generosity.

When my husband and I first met in 1996, he told me that he would like to live on 10% of his income and give away 90%. I was smitten.

I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to achieve that goal since we’ve added two children and one part-time child to the mix and the cost of everything from gas to bread is going up, up, up. We currently support a family of four on one income. We support an additional child in Nashville. We support a deaf child in Uganda. We support domestic missionaries. We support foreign missionaries. We support the liberation of child soldiers. We support the education of orphans. We give until it hurts.

I’ve been praying for creative ways to increase our giving-—not just an extra $25 here and there (which is nice, don’t get me wrong). But I’m looking for ways to be obscenely generous. Extravagant. Offensive.

I want to give thousands toward the work of my compatriots. I want to invest in their non-profits with the knowledge that I’m supporting not only organizations but also entire nations. I want to be an integral part of an international grassroots movement that loves, nurtures, educates, and invests in needy children around the world. I want to say YES more often than I say no.

Enter: Cruise to Cash Vacations Travel Concierge Cards. Since we won’t be rolling out the cards for another couple weeks, I can’t disclose too much, but suffice it to say that I’m about to EXPLODE with excitement. I’m planning to use the sale of the cards to invest in my favorite charities, my favorite non-profits, my favorite world-changers.

I’m planning to host a class that teaches people creative ways of being obscenely generous—-how to fund your favorite charity without stretching your budget. I want everyone I know who has the mind of an entrepreneur and the heart of a giver to know about the travel cards. I want to create a revolutionary new way of giving. I want to help people become obscenely generous.

I’m about to shake things up!

1 comment:

Rachel Lee said...

I LOVE your obscenely generous heart! Go, go, go!!!!!!!!
You and James are so well-matched in this.