Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Quiet Wendy the Author

Wendy and I met before James and I got married. Years passed before I really got to know her. Actually, it wasn't until she started a blog that I began feeling a strong connection with her. Wendy doesn't say much. She's not outwardly emotional. She doesn't wear her feelings on her sleeve. She's hard to read. Until you get to know her, which takes time. Lots of time.

This quiet but deeply passionate and absolutely brilliant Wendy friend of mine (well, brilliant when she's not suffering from pregnant brain) has written some pretty powerful blog posts recently. Her blog can be found HERE (or on my blogroll--look on the lower right-hand side of my blog for recently updated blogs that I frequent). I absolutely love the following posts: "Food for Thought" and "Going Deeper."

She is truly a deep well that I'm fortunate to be drinking from.

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