Monday, July 7, 2008

There will be LINKS tonight! (to be said in the voice of Inigo Montoya)

JennyB of My Messy Sanctuary recently wrote two excellent posts that I absolutely had to share.

Check out Unplugged and Hard at Play.

Becki, if you read this, I'd LOVE to get your comments on the latter. Reminded me so much of you.

There's one more. I recently discovered JourneyMama through Sara's June 15 post at WalkSlowlyLiveWildly (Sara is also the Happy Foody, which is where I discovered my new favorite Emerson quote). Since we spent some time in Uganda (while I was pregnant) and JourneyMama is currently pregnant and living in India, I connected with her "Potty" post. Priceless.

I doubt, Patrick, you will ever read this, but that alliteration made me think of you.

If you like JourneyMama, you'll especially like her in more detail at FlyFishesFly. Adina, she reminds me a lot of you.

OK, I said one more. I meant two. It's been too long since I've been to Ann Voskamp's Holy Experience so I thought I'd link there, too, just to remind both of us of the awesomeness to be found there.

And that is truly all I have to share tonight. Well, except that I made a delicous smoothie this morning using fresh spinach that the kids actually fought over.

Two fresh farmers' market peaches, a fresh mango, half a pint of fresh local organic blackberries, two tiny bananas, a big handful of spinach (the mango, bananas, and spinach came from the international market inside the downtown Nashville farmers' market building), and frozen mango (on sale at Costco a few weeks ago). Mmmmmmmm. A green smoothie disguised as a blackberry smoothie. Delicious!

1 comment: said...

thanks for the encouragement, Lori. I absolutely must try one of your smoothies!