Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yet another Judah Conversation

"Mommy, I need to go poop! Will you come and wipe me?"

Runs to the potty holding his bottom, then yells from the bathroom.

"OK, Mommy, come and wipe me, please!"

I walk in and sit down on the side of the tub getting ready to have him lean over my knee so I can make sure he's nice and clean. He says:

"Let's see if it's a GUN poop."

He looks in the potty.

"It IS a gun poop!"

I get up to wash my hands. He says:

"If I didn't touch my butt, do I need to wash my hands? I can just pull up my pants and walk out, right?"

Ah, the joy of parenting an extremely verbal boy.


One of his favorite games to play is "rescue." Tonight he had me pretend to be the King while he pretended to be the Knight. I had to create dangerous scenarios for the Queen and the Princess. He slayed the dragon and cut off his head and threw it into the ocean. He killed the witch. He rescued the damsels in distress. He received high praise from the King and all of the Kingdom. A mighty warrior in training.


Earlier today, we were sitting on the front porch. I had Miriam sitting behind me (really close--we were sitting on a folded up stroller together) and Judah beside me. He wanted me to put together his toy castle. I was busy with some business e-mails, so I told him he'd need to wait a few minutes. He put 2/3rds of the castle together and nearly jumped out of his skin, he was so excited. He threw his arms in the air and cheered like he's never cheered before. Ah, the feeling of accomplishment. He asked if we could invite Miss Gwen (our neighbor) over to see it. He shouted for her, but she was inside. So we called Daddy and left a message. The next 1/4th of the castle he struggled with, but the whole time he was saying, "I know I can. I know I can. I know I can."


We met Mr. Honey for dinner tonight at Kalamata's (so we could confirm with the owner that we'll be able to use the restaurant for my Grand Opening celebration in two weeks). We managed to get out of the house with a simple, "OK, let's go!" and while I buckled Miriam into her seatbelt, Judah climbed into the van and sat in his seat. I felt like Super Mom. I came over to buckle him in and said, "Judah, you never cease to amaze me. I love that you just climbed right in here and sat in your seat without me having to ask you." His response?
"And I'm only 4 years old."

I love being a mom.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

What IS a gun poop?