Saturday, July 26, 2008

"Why did Mommy have a ROCK in her back?'

Night before last, I woke up in excrutiating pain at 3:30 AM--pain FAR worse than childbirth, endometriosis, or broken bones.

After an all-night stay in the emergency ward of Vanderbilt hospital, I had a kidney stone surgically removed by ureteroscopy.

I'm back at home on the mend, but I won't be able to pick the kids up for 2-3 days. I'm still pretty sore, but that's nothing compared to what I went through with the stone lodged in my ureter.

Prevent kidney stones! Stay hydrated!


julianalovespy said...

I had a kidney stone once also about 11 years ago. It was so bad that I thought I had lost my mind and was imagining a pain that surely could not exist. Thankfully, mine moved on down when they injected dye into me to do multiple x-rays tracking its progress. Just the memory of it makes me queasy. We should talk!

I'm glad it is gone! I'll call you tomorrow to see if you need me to bring you anything.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're home and all right. I was getting the updates from the mamas and praying! I hope you mend quickly. We all know that "no heavy lifting" and having kids don't really match up too well.

Shyla said...

So glad to hear you're on the mend! We've been praying for you :o)